Prezzo: 68,72
Origine: Cosplay di Naruto
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La giusta dimensione
  • d****l
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I have purchased this Naruto cosplay costume just in time for Halloween. I did not mean for it to be my Halloween costume but when I received the package yesterday, I actually think this was pretty good! It looked really good on me. I decided right then and there that this costume would be a very cool costume to wear during this year’s Halloween. The detail is really amazing. They have copied it from the animation very well. I did not like the material though. It was a little bit rough on my skin. But what the heck, it is just a costume. I am not going to wear this during ordinary days.
  • d****r
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    what are the sizes in not cm like im 5"9 what would i have to buy to fit me

    Caro d****r,
    Based on the matrixing  1ft=12inch  1inch=2.54cm,your height  is 5"9 =69inch=175.3cm.Please consider your waist ,bust size and gender  imformation ect  coparing with the size chart on our website  to choose the right size. 

  • S****n
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    This suit looks exactly like my husband’s fishing costume, except that bandana in the waist. I bought for my son because, even if he is only 6 years old, he enjoys fishing very much, just like his dad. He will love this costume even more because he sees in his daddy a role model, thing which I care for very much. It is very important to convince your children that parents are role models.
  • O****d
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    The new Naruto costume looks just fine for my little boy. I told him I have a surprise for him this Halloween and I’m sure he is going to live it. Also, the suit can be worn outside Halloween because of his regular look. It looks like a sport outfit. My child will be proud to wear Naruto’s outwear and stay comfortable at the same time. Many kids bring all kinds of crazy costumes, uncomfortable and warming. That is not a good attitude their parents have
  • d****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    not exactly as pictured but is very well done to all council
  • b****m
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    this costume was great. very detailed and looked like the picture.

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