Prezzo: 179,45
Origine: Cosplay di Final Fantasy
Componenti: Intimo, Cintura, Pauldron, Cappotto, Mantello, Pantaloni
Valutazione complessiva
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La giusta dimensione
  • M****o
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    awesome!! really!!
  • F****d
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I am not new to milanoo. I have been visiting it for a few months now and I have bought all sorts of clothes and accessories from this store. Their quality is simply superb. The designs are always fabulous and the prices are so reasonable as well. I bought this costume recently. The costume is quite good with nice quality material and quality finishing. The size chart helped me find the right size for me. The detailing and accuracy in design are the USP of this costume. They make it so authentic that it is well worth the money spent on it. On top of that, the quality is good as well

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1 We suggest you choose Expedited Shipping way for Halloween Orders now.
2 It is better if you buy Halloween Orders before 20th, Oct. We suggest you choose Ready to Ship items.
3 If you have any question, pls free to contact us.