Prezzo: 142,22
Origine: Cosplay di Final Fantasy
Componenti: Calze, Pauldron, Gonna esterna, Cappotto, Mantello, Cravatta
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  • J****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I am a first-time buyer at this website. A few friends of mine shop from here regularly and I thought maybe I should give it a try. Frankly, I had ordered it just to try the website because I had heard about it from a couple of friends. But my friends had assured me that the quality of clothes and costumes here is always good. I took their word and ordered this costume from the Final Fantasy franchise, of which I’m a big fan. It is really great cosplay costume and looks fabulous. The detailing is quite good and they’ve taken pains to make it look authentic. In short, a good costume!

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2 It is better if you buy Halloween Orders before 20th, Oct. We suggest you choose Ready to Ship items.
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