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La giusta dimensione
  • J****h
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I think there has never been an anime show better than Bleach. I have been avidly following it since my childhood and the world of Bleach is something that has always been one of my biggest fantasies since childhood. Now a few friends have decided to enact some of the scenes in a cosplay party to be held at my place. Getting the props and the costumes for the party was absolutely no problem thanks to Milanoo where I found all of the wigs, costumes and even boots for the party. The best part of the whole deal was that I also managed to get a special discount because I made a large bulk order which greatly cut down on our overall expenditure for the show.

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1 We suggest you choose Expedited Shipping way for Halloween Orders now.
2 It is better if you buy Halloween Orders before 20th, Oct. We suggest you choose Ready to Ship items.
3 If you have any question, pls free to contact us.