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La giusta dimensione
  • c****0
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    It's even better than I thought it would be. I am very pleased and will be purchasing more costumes from here in the future.
  • g****9
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    La qualités du produit est sans appel et correspond bien à l'annonce.
  • J****i
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Even though its quite pricey the costume is perfect representation of the character! Shipping is fast so it gave me much time to prepare for the convention and the service is great too. I love it alot and its very comfortable so I'll wear this more than once. Can't wait to wear this for Anime North in a couple weeks, thank you so much! :D
  • S****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    The thing I love about milanoo is that they stock literally everything. I have been buying stuff and dresses for myself from here for a couple of years now and now with this costume, I have found the perfect birthday gift for my 12 year old as well. The costume is amazing and I can vouch for its authenticity as my kid loves it. The price is quite reasonable for a product of this quality. Such a costume would have cost me twice this amount in the market. The quality is good, the fit seems to be great as well and I’m happy with the purchase. Once again, thanks to milanoo for a great product!
  • G****e
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Now this is what i call quality. Milanoo has led up to its fantastic reputation once again and has delivered a great product. I keep coming back to milanoo for all my clothing needs and the huge range they have for cosplay is wonderful. Final fantasy being my favourite anime is also my first choice for cosplay ideas. So when i saw this costume i decided that i would but it. The price seemed a bit on the high side this time but i’ve got such great deals that i could indulge this time. The fitting is great and all detains are paid attention to like the pack and the cravat too. Great product milanoo

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