Prezzo: 90,67
Valutazione complessiva
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La giusta dimensione
  • m****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I am an avid cosplayer and i can tell when a costume is worth its salt and when it’s not. For the past couple of my cos play events i have been resorting to milanoo’s costumes after i saw a really cool outfit at an event and discovered that it was bought from this website. My experience with these costumes has prompted me to write a review now for the latest purchase that just got delivered. These costumes are the most professional and honest adaptations that i have ever seen with so much variety. The make is top class and the comfort is above par. I love this place. The super affordable prices make things even better.
  • T****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    This costume looks smart on the picture there and not when i wear it. When i looked at the design of the costume i thought that it was a good design but when i received the costume the design was good. It did not fulfill my personal exceptions. The body skirt is very big while the apron is very heavy. This makes me to be uncomfortable and i feel like removing the costume. Is there another design and color?

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