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La giusta dimensione
  • S****y
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    James from Team Rocket in Pokemon is so funny. He is one of my favorite characters. And this is why I want to dress up as James for Halloween this year. And I am going to order my costume in advance this year because I had a very hard time finding the costume that I wanted because I bought it at the last minute even if it was from MIilanoo, who stocks everything. I can’t wait to get my costume in the mail. It says it will be here in a bout 3 weeks. That gives me plenty of time to make accessories and buy a wig as well. I hope Milanoo has James’ wig in stock. I’ve looked everywhere for the blue wig and I can’t find it. I also need some Pokeball to complete my costume.
  • K****w
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Hello, I'm living in Germany and I want to ask you if you could send me this costume earlier than in 35 days. I hope you answer me. Sincerely Kai-Philipp Gladow

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