Prezzo: 104,04
Origine: Cosplay di Final Fantasy
Personaggio: Kadaj
Componenti: Top, Pauldron, Cintura, Pantaloni
Valutazione complessiva
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La giusta dimensione
  • M****e
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    L’utilisateur a loué tacitement
  • R****d
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Milanoo is the perfect online store for me. I have been buying great stuff from this site for quite some time now and have always been more than happy with its enormous range of good, quality products at attractive prices. The discounts they offer make things even better for people like me, who like quality fashionable outfits but cannot spend money for the big brands every now and then. Outfits from milanoo form the bulk of my wardrobe. The costume is quite well made and the material is good. It fits me quite well (the size chart helped there). Overall, I have no complaints with either milanoo or this costume.
  • k****e
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    The attention lies in the detail. I am a firm believer in this mantra and follow it everywhere. Even in my cosplay avatars who i absolutely love building and then wearing to events and competitions. Because of this attention to details i was one day browsing through milanoo to find the best accessories for a final fantasy costume that i was building. That is when i saw this and suddenly it clicked with me and i knew that it was the final bit to completing my costume. i bought it right there and it arrived just a day before my competition. I wore this costume and won the 1st prize in the most badass costume category. So much fun.
  • L****š
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    good day can be ordered without a sleeve on leg ?

    Caro L****š,
    Deeply sorry we can't make it as your demand based on original designed style.

  • R****e
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    とても完成度が高いです。 到着まで とても楽しみにしています。(^^)V

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