Prezzo: 53,45
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  • L****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    My review was erased from here. How sad. I will write it again because I was THAT displeased with this costume. The picture they had on here VS the costume I actually received was awful. The scarf was white and red sewed together like a White Mage costume. The picture had her traditional scarf. The gloves weren't made correctly at all, I had to retailer them completely. The arm bands were SAFETY PINNED to this costume. I had to sew them on because they were flopping around everywhere. The fringe on the scarf was also so bad that the moment I took it out of packing, it started falling off. I trashed the scarf and made my own. I soon realized Milanoo grabbed a picture off of CosplayMagic (Identical costume picture) and was using their costume picture and pretending it was their own. Very displeased. I loved the wig and shoes I got, those were perfect. But this costume was awful =/

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