Prezzo: 38,17
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La giusta dimensione
  • B****n
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Final fantasy is by far one of the most entertaining video game that has been ever made. Even before the anime was made, a few friends of mine started drawing manga for the series on our own and have even staged cosplay shows amongst ourselves at times. However those were never fully complete and most of the costumes were just improvisations of what was already available with us. After the release of the movie however we were looking for full fledged cosplay parties and now require proper costumes for it. I have found all the required props and clothes but am yet to find a wig which is suitable to portray the character of Cloud. Can I find it on this website, please redirect me there if it is available.
  • H****n
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    This high quality nylon wig is my taste. I have ordered different kinds of wigs, but to some extend, I prefer this one.
  • j****e
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    wenas me gustaria comprarme la peluca de sefiroth pero solo kiero una podria comprarla. espero su respuesta

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1 We suggest you choose Expedited Shipping way for Halloween Orders now.
2 It is better if you buy Halloween Orders before 20th, Oct. We suggest you choose Ready to Ship items.
3 If you have any question, pls free to contact us.