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La giusta dimensione
  • V****n
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Pour un premier achat avec celui de Yoko, je suis très satisfait. Très agréable au toucher et très confortable pour dormir. Je passe d'excellent nuits. Pour un premier achat, n'oubliez pas de prendre le coussin
  • А****а
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    спасибо большое,получила ,очень довольна качеством) Только доставка немного задержалась!

    Caro А****а,
    Мы рады за Вас,что Вам понравился товар на нашем сайте.Спасибо Вам за покупку.

  • H****h
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    The pillow covers are really cute and I picked these up for my daughter’s room. I think the fabric of these is really good and is something that really will not do much damage to the soft skin of children and does not seem like it will cause skin irritations either. At first I had apprehensions about the color of the fabric. Not the color of the fabric exactly but I had my doubts about whether or not it would bleed when I wash it. Surprisingly however I had no such problems even after the fifth wash and I can safely say that this is made of both good fabric and good colors. I have now come back to look for more pillow covers for her room.
  • r****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    These are absolutely the best sheets I have ever had. They are really long, soft and do feel like satin. I was concerned at first with the colour, but had no problem after several washes. I followed the direction that was attached with the shipment where the manufacturer advised to wash these sheets separately for the first few washes. I am so happy with them that I might get another set for myself.

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