Prezzo: 78,26
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La giusta dimensione
  • m****y
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    My daughter is a huge fan of magical girl and keeps watching all the episodes on repeat. She even wants to learn Japanese and move to japan! Nowadays she wants all her shopping to have these anime characters on them too. Now, finding magical girl merchandise can be really difficult i must tell you as a parent. And 13 year old girls can be even more difficult. But thanks to milanoo i found this dress and i have gotten her to stop from erupting for the time being. Haha. Good thing that milanoo has such a large collection of anime merchandise. She really loves this costume. I’m buying two more things as i write this.
  • L****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Wow. This costume totally has me smitten by the sheer awesomeness of it. I got this cos play costume because it really caught my eye and i was till then undecided about what i wanted to go to the event as so i just logged on to milanoo and chose the dress which really caught my fancy and that was this dress. i was so excited to have received this dress that i spent the whole day i got it wearing it only! The dress looks pretty well made and is just the right size for me. I would suggest everybody take the tailor made option for a perfect fit.
  • 購****者
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    こちらで初めて購入させていただきました^^ 値段のわりにはしっかりした作りになっていましたので、購入して正解だったと思います。
  • m****m
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Costume was reasonably well made. The bunnies aren't attached and look different than the photo, so you have to buy pins for it. The bow has a lot more beige on the bottom, almost 6 inches, making it super long and drags on the floor while you walk. Also, all the "crosses" on the costume are yellow tape, and very easy to damage and rip off. It's built cheap, and over priced at 79$ American, building your own would be preferable if you know how.

    Caro m****m,
    Look forward to doing business with you again.


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