Valutazione complessiva
Did the item fit well?
La giusta dimensione
  • G****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I ordered this Cosplay over a year ago and I absolutely loved it once I tried it on. It is by far one of my favorite Cosplays. The reason for a 4 star star is because of the gloves, they aren't made with a fitted material that stretches. So the gloves are big and require altering to make sure they fit properly and don't slide down your arms when walking around or posing.I have yet to fix the gloves but I will soon. Although being a size small I had thought the gloves would be used with an elastic material that would be used for all sizes, or when order you could select a glove size to make sure the gloves will fit properly, including when the outfit is tailor made. Overall the rest of the cosplay was lovely and felt very nice and comfortable. The material used for the outfit and hat was very pretty.
  • R****e
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    this cosplay is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

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