Prezzo: 108,81
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La giusta dimensione
  • J****y
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I have been a frequent visitor at milanoo for quite some time now. I have made quite a few purchases of this site over the past few months and each and every one of them has been completely worth the time and money spent over them. What I like about them is that they not only have a vast collection of fashion apparels and accessories, but that their prices are also quite reasonable despite the impeccable quality. I have not had a single problem with anything that I have bought from here. This costume is my latest purchase from the site and like always, it is absolutely perfect in terms of quality, fitting, design and even price.
  • J****n
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    i got this costume and everything on it I can handle it's decent. only problem is this costume is supposed to be BLACK NOT BLUE this outfit is blue for some reason.
  • J****n
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    i got this costume and everything on it I can handle it's decent. only problem is this costume is supposed to be BLACK NOT BLUE this outfit is blue for some reason.
  • A****w
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    good material. sleeve patch is a little blob looking but fine. Make sure to order pants about one size larger than you wear. This is a great costume

    Caro A****w,
    Thank you for your suggestions and satisfactions .


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