Prezzo: 61,08
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La giusta dimensione
  • G****t
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    This cosplay costume is great.I love it so much. I am just enjoy shopping here.
  • b****b
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    I will admit from the get go that i am not a cosplayer or anything. I have never really understood the fascination with that sort of clothes. I just happened to be browsing around on milanoo when i saw this costume and it struck me to make something out this.....sort of adapt it to my area and my culture because i was sure that since this has a milanoo stamp on it it will be great quality. I have bought this costume now and i have been wearing it as a night gown like we have in my country which is a long stitched robe for me. It feels really nice and on Sundays i just spend the whole day in this only.

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