Prezzo: 196,63
Origine: Cosplay di Final Fantasy
Componenti: Borsa posteriore, Calze, Pauldron, Gonna esterna, Cappotto, Mantello, Cravatta
Valutazione complessiva
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La giusta dimensione
  • B****a
    Vestibilità generale:La giusta dimensione
    Though this is the first time I ordered a costume from here, I have bought a few dresses from here before. Whenever I have ordered a dress from this site, I have never been disappointed in any aspect. From design to the cut; from stitching to finishing; from color schemes to the fit, all the dresses that I have bought from here are simply perfect in all these aspects. Similarly, this costume also is quite good in terms of quality and fitting. I love the attention to detail here in making it look completely authentic and accurate. I’m quite into cosplay and this is certainly not the last costume I’m buying from milanoo.

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