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pack up
Milanoo would like to introduce this shipping saving service that supplied by Post Air Mail.
Please refer to the following information that we made to illuminate for you to wisely choose this service.
A. Advantages:
Acceptable shipping fee, way of cheaper than any other shipping methods that provided at Cosplayshow;
Parcel traceable;
Easy for customs clearance;
Be able to ship to most countries and areas all over the world;
Lower risk for package lost.
B. Disadvantages:
Longer shipping time, usually takes approximate 15-30 days;
Maximum weight limit: 1.9KG;
Maximum order subtotal limit: 200USD.
For detailed shipping fee on your order by choosing super saving shipping is displayed after adding all items in Milanoo shopping cart.
Following tracking link for super saving shipping that assists you to locate your package safe and sound: