Prix: 78,26
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Fidèle à la taille
  • i****e
    Coupe globale:Fidèle à la taille
    I’ve loved Cardcaptors ever since I was a kid and I’ve had this huge crush on Sakura’s older brother Toya forever. He’s just so cute. But I never thought I’d actually find a cosplay costume based on Toya’s charater. All he wore throughout the series was his school uniform and casuals. It’s not like he had a role to play in Sakura’s card capturing job, so why the costume? I had 2 choices when I was shopping for this costume. I could either get the white costume, which I really can’t place in the cartoon, or his black school uniform which I can place in the cartoon, which I did buy. This one is going to be one of my most prized possessions amongst all of the anime themed stuff that I own.
  • 購****者
    Coupe globale:Fidèle à la taille

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